Sunday, May 22, 2011

26 + 1

I had a birthday this year, and I've only said the number out loud maybe 4 times so far and I try really hard to not think about it. And I just found out from another friend in marketing that I fall into the age bracket targeted for premature aging products. Wah.

But, Karla sent me some pictures from my bday dinner at La Jolla Groves and it gave me a new perspective. Every birthday means another year that I have been lucky enough to be friends with these girls. And that is something for which to be grateful. Also, anyone know a good anti-wrinkle cream?


  1. hmmm. Makes me jealous. But Happy Birthday! Looks like I'm a month or two late, but I sure hope I covered my basis and at least wished you a happy birthday on Facebook. Actually, I remember having Holland sing you a little birthday ditty. I miss you! And please, you do not have one single wrinckle on that pretty little face. Those ads are aimed right in this direction!

  2. wrinckle, or wrinkle. I should proof-read.

  3. and yes, I've gone anonymous.

  4. You should be in this picture! We need to catch up...and you need to invite me to read your blog!
